Learn Chinese About Climbing

1、          今天我们来森林。Jīntiān wǒmen lái sēnlín. = Today we go to forest.

2、          森林 sēnlín = forest

3、          森林里有很多树。Sēnlín lǐ yǒu hěn duōshù. = There are many trees in the forest.

4、          这里很漂亮,你觉得呢?Zhèlǐ hěn piàoliang,nǐjuéde ne? = This place is beautiful, what do you think?

5、          这里很漂亮. Zhèlǐ hěn piàoliang. = This place is beautiful.

6、          你觉得呢?nǐjuéde ne? = What do you think?Continue reading

Learn Chinese About Playing in Amusement Park

1、          好久不见!  Hǎo jiǔ bú jiàn!  = long time no see

2、          你们好吗?  Nǐmen hǎo ma?  = How are you?

3、          这个夏天你怎么过的? Zhège xiàtiān nǐ zěnme guò de?

How do you spend this summer?

4、          这个夏天 Zhège xiàtiān = this summer

5、          我来杭州乐园。 Wǒ lái HángZhōu lèyuán.= I come to HangZhou paradise.Continue reading

Guide You To FengHuang in China

1. long time no see.

Hǎo jiǔ bú jiàn!

好 久 不 见!

2. Where am I ?

Wǒ zài nǎr?

我 在 哪儿?

3. I’m in fenghuang old village.

Wǒ zài fènghuáng gǔchéng.

我 在  凤  凰  古 城。

4. fenghuang is in Hunan province.

Fènghuáng zài húnán shěng.

凤   凰  在 湖 南 省。

5. fenghuang old village.

fènghuáng gǔchéng.

凤  凰  古 城

6. Smelly Doufu

chòu dòufu

臭 豆 腐